Friday, August 20, 2010

Finally, a new post!! And that's it. For now.

So, times have changed since I last wrote a personal blog, during Millie's gestation and first year. Turns out that for updating family friends Facebook is really the place to be. It's much more interactive and participatory, I can check in with you as well as the other way around. This thing is too one way. And the technology for uploading photos and videos is way, way easier and faster with FB than it is on blogger. I can do it in a minute, whereas here I have to carve out some real time. And that just ain't happening.

Blogs are really more for article based communications, and I'm just not in the mood. There's so much to do here in Hong Kong that I'm not up for sitting down to write long letters, short updates are easier. Which, again, is better suited to the social media model. If we're not connected on FB, friend me.

Also, I don't really have that much to say. The strangest thing about this move was how quickly everything started to seem normal. Play groups, groceries, schools, naps - it's all the same basic stuff no matter what side of the planet we're on.

Perhaps as we start to travel,  we'll have some articles to write. If this blog becomes active again I'll let you know - by posting it on Facebook.


Friday, July 9, 2010

Monday, June 28, 2010

Our New Couch

The couch is oh, about 45 seconds old, in this picture. The door had barely shut behind the delivery men. Didn't take anyone long to get used to it. If there's one thing we Kelly - Okes are naturals at, it's couches.
Diligently using the new couch.
Even the youngest among us are quickly adept at the nuances of couch sitting.

Starbucks Part II

 Did I mention we feel pretty at home in Starbucks?
Yes, that is Millie taking her afternoon nap in the store. We were sitting at a table (eating croque monsieur) and she says 'mama, I'm tired,' gets up, goes to the comfy chairs and puts herself to sleep.

Speaking of art... there's some great stuff at home!

While the Hong Kong Art Fair was cool, we also missed some artistic happenings at home... Ginger's photo exhibit and Mark's book launch. Mark's an artist and his book, Grotesque, is a conceptual illustrated novella. It is gorgeous and compelling. You can get it on, which I recommend doing. Right now!

And hey, while you're there pick up a copy of Lisa's nationally acclaimed novel, The Almost Archer Sisters. If you are a mother or a sister or a woman or a husband or a son or have ever had too much wine and made a big mistake (not that I know any of those kinds of people) - you will love this book.

It just wouldn't be a shout out to creativity if I didn't also mention Mary's eco-toons, always good for a chortle or two! And linked to by the New York Times - more than once, thanks very much.

So... what's the moral of this post? That people are really talented and it's fun to support them? Well, yes. But my real, un-hidden agenda is this: keep me inviting me to your stuff, I will attend in spirit!!

Hong Kong Art Fair

The Hong Kong Art Fair is an annual exhibition with top galleries from around the world bringing pieces to showcase and sell. It's quite new here and the city seemed really proud to be making a name for itself on the international art scene. It was really compelling.

We went on a Thursday evening and decided to go back on Saturday with Millie. She was pretty into it. Contemporary art is surprisingly child friendly, especially the sculpture. They just need to be old enough to understand about not touching, hence Dash was not invited.

My favourite piece, photos from top, top up close and side. I would tell you the artist but I forgot to write it down.

Steve Raizes' sister, Liz Raizes Sadeghi, was in town from NYC with the gallery she works for and we stopped by her booth to say hello. She was quite busy selling 12 million dollar Andy Warhols, amongst other things, but still took time to show us around her collection. Thanks, Liz!

The film director Baz Luhrman had a booth promoting an art charity he runs in India. It was the only interactive exhibit - they had markers all over for people to draw on the walls. So we did.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

The Move

Last weekend we moved to the new place. The movers numbered all our boxes back in Toronto, and as they unload them they call out the number and we cross each box off the grid.

We are in flat number:

All the boxes in our new flat.